Dave Wigley at Front Room Pizza

Our Story


Our pizza doesn’t have rules because we are not trying to recreate anybody else’s pizza.

We are not trying to make a Neapolitan pizza or a Chicago, New York, New Haven, Sicilian, Roman, Detroit pizza…… the list goes on and they’ve all got rules. We are doing everything we can to make the BEST Pizza as it makes sense to us. We’re making our pizza, we’re making no rules pizza! There’s no limit to what we are prepared to do in the name of great pizza!


Front Room Speech Marks
Dave Wigley
I’ve always been in love with food, either as a chef or more recently as a baker.

I had the huge pleasure of working shoulder to shoulder with Michel Roux Jr at Le Gavroche as well as other Michelin star chefs along my 25 year food journey here. I worked for 10 years as a development chef predominantly for Marks & Spencers specializing in ready meals. Anyone who has ever worked with me has had to put up with me wanging on about my dream to one day open my own place. But not anymore…  

Dave Wigley at Front Room

Pizza is the ideal food to have with those closest to you in a chilled-out space like your front room or ours. So, let’s give the people what they want!

Starting with the base
Thin crust with a small edge. Crafted from top-notch organic stone-milled flour, the dough undergoes a slow fermentation for rich flavour and easy digestion.

Let’s top it
Our tomato sauce strikes a balance of umami and sweetness without the unnecessary sogginess. With a world of diverse cheeses perfect for melting or finishing, we embark on a journey of exploration.

More is more
Whether familiar or unconventional, we prioritize the best quality for a delightful experience that's not just good for us but also for the planet. We like to break the rules and turn up the flavour to 11!